
Where Creativity Is Inspired...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

'Tak Nak Forward'

Dear readers, this special edition of GodSpear.blogspot.com is kindly brought to you all out there about certain facts in life.
We all know that the e-mail has been very popular among youths these days and adding to that fact some of us even have atleast 2 to 3 accounts like yahoo lah, gmail lah, and the most popular one hotmail. I'd say they are so the Kia Su and Kia Si but I'd rather not cause I am among the ranks... LOL.

Anyway we see a plauge or what I would call it "suku trend" being forwarded into our mail boxes every single day. Among the all time famous ones are the
#1: "Get rich fast by fording this mail"
- This is a category of forwarded mails we see usually where it asks us to forward the email and would recieve a cheque from wealthy people like Bill Gate lah and all that shit; with an added effect of attachment of testimonials. Get rich by forwarding emails, like COME ON LAH; WOI WAKE UP!!! We live in an information age lah, you think Bill Gates will give you free money just to forward the email to keep hotmail or anything more popular kah... No wonder I see people kena scam online in the papers all the time... I'm not saying that those who do are stupid but the fact is that the exact same "suku trend" comes in over and over and over and over and over again ... didn't the time lenght of when you didn't recieve that juicy cheque hit you by now? OBVIOUS LAH.

#2: "Toy with guilt so my baby won't die mail."

- Ah this is one of those forwarded emails I really really loath. Here's a perfect example.

waliew so if I don't forward this mail I am a heartless bastard lah? Bwah, yeah right.

For starters it would be insane for any of the sponsors to trace how far and how many times the email has been forwarded. If its all for charity, this is the best way kah? I know most of us all won't buy directly into and thinking "just foward niah lah, no harm done" but imagining a few hundred of those listed in your contacts doing it once a week; wei emails are made for better use that forwarding endless sympathy chain mails lah. I give you 20 cents sit down at the corner lah heh.

#3: "The bad stuff will strike if not forwarded email."

- Puhhhlease, what a joke this is; as not being irritating enough, I've seen this classical chain mail cycling through my contacts more times than I could possibly remember. The fact that I am alive today writting this post already gives you a clear cut that it is not real, like doh. Heh well its been fun discussing. Hit me back on this people (if there is any heh).

Well its been fun posting, as a conclusion, I here at godspear.blogspot.com single handedly and officially am launching the "Tak Nak Forward" campaign so the next time all yous people see the above three "suku trends" kindly forward it to your trash can. AMen bruddah~

Monday, April 03, 2006

Beer Commercials.

Cheap Talk:
Once upon in a time in a land far far away ... three little friends were on a joyful car ride when ...

Oscar: Yo~
M.V: Hey guess what? I did my nails.
Oscar/Ian: The hell man how to guess? You answered your own question. =_=
M.V: ...
Oscar/Ian: ...

*Smart converstaion eh?... and oh yes the three little friends continued their journey after that... the end.*

Short post my viewers, just to fill in the slots... tamade exams,quizes and assignment. Due dates do not go fitting into one freaking week for the last time! Fuck U to those responsible... jk heh.

Today my dear viewes I will be talking about beer commercials. But first we need to start off with the basics.What is beer? Why do we need beer? What does it do? What is it's purpose?

Sadly one mug of these would knock me out already. Yes ladies a very big tip :D

a general name for alcoholic beverages made by fermenting a cereal (or mixture of cereals) flavored with hops

Beer is a form of alcohol which most adults/teens consume due to social obligations or during happy hours. So it tastes bad, expensive and so far I've seen no logical explanation why people drink can from can, night after night. Why do people do so? Is it because of the commercials where they make actors drinking from a can so manly.

*Beer commercial Take 1*

You just killed a small animal! Its time to have a beer! Yeah~

How bout putting beer commercials in a more realistic context for once no?

*Beer Commercial Take 2*

It's 4 a.m in the borning and you're pissing inside your closet its TIGER time!

Think about it huh, well coming up next week I bring you the three purpose of alcohol. Till then good day my fcukers ~ Amen.

P.S: Keep the comments coming in as well thanks.